Pausing right here in this frenzied Fall season to reflect and be grateful. The more I seek to discipline myself to pause and give thanks, the more I see that these words from Thessalonians "Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" are a gift. Yes, this is God's will for us; yet, this is not just another thing to add to our ever-growing "to-do list". Yes, this rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks requires time and effort on our part; yet this is truly a gift to us. It stops us in our tracks, puts God and ourselves in the proper position, and it brings us into His Presence. This is what we are meant for... This gift of being in relationship with Christ... step by step... day by day... moment by moment.
So here are a few things I am thankful for:
- God loves me just as as I am... Sinful and selfish, the good and the bad of me, unconditionally
- laughter... The laughter shared between my husband and I, laughter in my children, laughter from the children I teach, and even laughter at myself ... the older I get the easier that is
- beautiful September days and the cool nights for sleeping
- my health... So easy to take for granted
- my sweet dog Sadie... She is a love
- dear friends both old and new
- song
- coffee in the morning
- a surprise bouquet of flowers in a mason jar
- extra time with my girls who each had a sick day with colds
- talking with my son in the car as we drive home from band practice at school
-sunflowers... This time do year, there are so many in bloom... They are my favorites... I think they are God's most joyful flowers
- provision ...God's math is not the same as my math
- seeing my kids using their creativity
- amazing youth leaders for my kids... Their mentoring and care is such a blessing
What are you thankful for today? "Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances" ... Take this gift and unwrap it for that is truly what these words are meant for!
Praying you have many blessings and much joy!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
What I Wore Wednesday - and a Proverb to Clothe Yourself In
Linking up with Lindsay from The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday! Here is where we ladies can encourage each other to take a few minutes each day in getting ourselves ready. Add a pretty necklace, bracelet, or scarf to what you are wearing... or try a new hairstyle that flatters you. There are no rules except putting a little effort into what you wear. It is easy, especially for us mamas, to put ourselves last. This is a way to take care of ourselves a little and I promise, you will feel differently!
Here are some recent outfits:
Here are some recent outfits:
My coral scarf is actually from The Pleated Poppy.
I got it last year and love, love, love it! The color is my favorite and quality is wonderful!
The jeans are brandy new from a thrift store... under $7 and brand new:)
My top is thrifted as well... and I love the shimmer to it
I have had this black and gold scarf for several years...
this is the first time I paired it with this skirt (made by me)...
it was fun trying a different combo
I got this striped shirt on clearance at H&M for $7...
it is so comfortable and I love the way it fits and looks

I got this Ralph Lauren 100% silk shirt when thrifting recently.
It is so super comfortable and love it paired with skinny jeans, leopard print flats,
and some sparkly jewelry that I made
I hope you will join me in this challenge to take a few minutes each day for yourself. Don't compare yourself to anyone else... you are so wonderfully made and beautiful!
And since true beauty starts from within, here is a Proverb to clothe yourself in:
For the Lord detests the perverse but takes the upright into his confidence.
The Lord's curse is on the house of the wicked but he blesses the home of the righteous
Proverbs 3:32-33
Praying you have many blessings and much joy!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Thankful Thursday... Taking a Break in the Back to School Season to Give Thanks
It has begun... the Back to School craziness. Meeting teachers, figuring out supply lists, sorting out clothes that fit from ones that are too small due to the summer growth of three children, driving to and from activities, meeting my new students, setting up a classroom and beginning. Days are running into days without a moment to breathe... just simply to stop and BREATHE! And, again, I am reminded that this stopping and reflecting... and giving thanks for all we are blessed with is something we have to be intentional about. No one is going to carve out these moments for us; it is something we must cherish and grasp hold of.
"Rejoice always, praying constantly, give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Each day I am learning that these words are so much more than a guide for us from The Lord; the are a gift... a life-giving gift. They remind me Whom I belong to... Who is really in control... what is really important... how the Lord provides. When I do this, God's whispers become oh so sweet!
So, I am unwrapping this gift. I hope you will too!
Here are just a few things I am thankful for lately:
- my job as a teacher... I feel truly blessed to be able to teach little ones
- the women I work with... lovely and talented
- a clean and organized classroom all ready for the new school year
- my home... it may be a messy and out of order with the start of school, but it is a place full of love
- These three crazy, wonderful, talented kiddos... I am so blessed to be their mama!
- harvest from our garden
- my crockpot... it is such a big help with cooking on busy days!
- moments with my husband in this crazy life of ours
- music class with Kindergarteners... on the first day, the director of our school handed me a Bible from our school office because I wanted to share Zephaniah 3:17 with the children... when I opened it up, there was my mom's signature... she has been gone for 4 years and this was a gift from above
No matter what is going on with your life, there is so much to be thankful for... big and small. Let the words from 1 Thessalonians change you as they are changing me!
Praying you have many blessings and much joy!
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