Monday, February 25, 2013

What's in a Name?

Growing up, I always longed for a name that was given to me with a great story or meaning behind it.    I am the youngest in my family and only girl.  Each of my brothers were given first and middle names after significant people in my parents' lives.  My parents didn't think they would have a daughter after having four sons in a row.  They were not prepared for a girl to make her appearance; thus the name chosen for me was Matthew.  Great name... for a boy.  So, for three days, I was known as baby girl.  Then I was named, Kristen Victoria - a name, by the way, that I really like.  But there was no great story or meaning behind it.  I was told no one is sure where my first name came from or why it was chosen... and my middle name was after a "crazy" relative.  Hmmm.... Not quite what I was hoping for in meaning.  That changed for me when I looked up the meaning of my name when I grew up.  Kristen is a derivative of Christ and Victoria means "conquerer" or "victory".  Essentially, my name means victory in Christ or Christ's victory.  Now that is a wonderful meaning for my name. But the even more amazing thing about both my name and yours is... "Before I was born the Lord called me;  from my mother’s womb he has spoken my name." Isaiah 49:1b.  Now that is true joy!
Praying you have many blessings and joy,

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