Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tortoise Tuesday - Just Start Somewhere

I am a list maker.  I love lists and they can help me keep things straight.  The only problem is sometimes my lists overwhelm me.  This compels me to do one of two things:1- attack the list fast and furiously until I am overdone, or 2 - not attack the list at all because I am overwhelmed and paralyzed by all I have to do.  The thing is, I don't think I am alone in these feelings. I believe a lot of us feel this way in our fast-paced, information-overloaded day and age.  And, I don't think it is good for any of us. I am trying to work through this, making little changes along the way.

So in the interest of being more of the tortoise and less like the hare, each day I am going to start somewhere.  Each day, I am trying to pick one project, one area, or item on my list to just start.  I think starting is half the battle.

For me, that means I will start on a project that feels so overwhelming to me...

We need to paint most of the rooms in our house.  Today, I am going to start... just with the trim and wainscoting.... one little section at a time.   Its' a beginning.

Won't you join me?  Pick one thing to do.  Don't look at the whole mountain before you; instead, take a step and go. You don't need to get it all done today... just start somewhere!

Praying you have many blessings and much joy!

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