Mondays - Monday Saving Mondays
~ money saving tips and ideas
Tuesdays - Tortoise Tuesdays
~things and tips to motivate you to be the Tortoise not the Hare
Wednesdays - What I Wore Wednesday
~ I will be linking up with this amazing blog
Thursdays - Think About it Thursdays
~topics and things to get us thinking... and some posts about some pretty amazing people
Fridays - Faith-Filled Fridays
~ pondering about what it means to be a Christian and living with Jesus in my heart
Here is today's first post on Tortoise Tuesday
The name for the day of the week stems from the well-known tale of the Tortoise and the Hare. The Tortoise is not know for his lighting -face speed but rather his slow pace; whereas, the Hare is know to be quick and light on his feet. The two face off in a race with the Hare taking off like a cannonball - fast and furious. The Tortoise on the other hand, is more like a slow trickle from a leaky sink. All bets are on the Hare. But you know what? That Hare is a bright brilliant blooming show that fades out quickly. And then there is that blessed Tortoise; he trickles and flows along - slow and steady. And then he does the unthinkable - He blooms. It is is not a flashy quick bloom. No, his bloom is slow in coming, beautiful, and long lasting! He wins out over the favored Hare!
So often, I start out like the Hare. Racing around, trying to make a huge impact... quickly. What I can often end up with is more fizzle. But the older I get, the more I am learning to bloom like the Tortoise. Along the way, I am learning oh so much; more often than not, I am learning the hard way.
Today I want to share with you a little chart that has helped me ever so much. By day, I am a preschool teacher. I love finding helpful tools to use in school. Sticker charts are one of those wonderful tools to help children work on a goal. They are simple, effective, and fun to use with all those stickers. Children love to watch those stickers fill up a page as they work towards a goal and a reward. In my own life, I have been trying for the longest time to lose weight and keep it off after having three beautiful children. So often, I have started in the Spring like the Hare. I am motivated and lose the weight. Ah, but as the Hare, I quickly tire and through the Winter, I gain it all back. Until I implemented this:
My Sticker Chart |
It is simple... a visual reminder of each time I exercise. This little chart hangs on my fridge and inspires me when I feel like giving up. This year I have finally achieved success! No high priced equipment, gym, or shoes have done for me what this little baby has. With Spring right around the corner, I realize I am still wearing the smaller size clothing I bought. But more importantly, I am feeling better. All because of this little chart, I am The Tortoise!
What goals do you have that could be helped by a simple sticker chart? Hope you'll try it out!
Praying you have many blessings and much joy!
Kristen here... one of my dear sisters in law asked me if there I had a reward at the end of filling up one of my charts. I haven't been doing that but I do think it is a great idea! For me, it would be a new magazine, some new fabric, some beads, or maybe a trip to the thrift store to find a treasure... what would your reward be?